Week 2: Building Waterways

Daily Routines

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #4

Stand in a circle and sing the greeting song. Shake each child’s hand and say his or her name.

Talk Together: Pools of Water

Talk about when it rains and water collects in a pool.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Turns and Pools

Explore the flow of water. Have children collect materials to change the water flow and form pools.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Watching Water Move Things” (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World live-action clip “Watching Water Move Things.” Have children compare their experiences to the children’s in the video.

Let's Read

Read Together: Row, Row, Row Your Boat #1

Read the story, focusing on words children might use in their explorations during the week.

Sing Together: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”

Divide children into two groups and sing the song as a round.

Let's Play

Play Together: Bear, Bear, Fish!

Play a game of Duck, Duck Goose, but change the words to Bear, Bear, Fish.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Beginning Sound /r/

Play the listening game to help children recognize the /r/ sound at the beginning of words.

Watch Together: “Rocket-Doodle-Doo” #2 (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Rocket-Doodle-Doo.” Have children name the /r/ words in the video.

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Rr”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Rr.”

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #5

Sing the greeting song and hold up name cards. Have each child stand up and say his or her name.

Talk Together: Waterways

Review with children what a waterway is and how to make a waterway full of channels and obstacles.  

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Making Waterways

Take children outdoors again to continue exploring the flow of water, this time to make waterways.

Let's Read

Read Together: Toy Boat #1

Read the book. Help children track the movements of the boat as it floats in the water.

Recite Together: “Big and Small”

Recite the poem and have children act out the motions.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Our Water Story

Have children create a story together about a trip on the ocean in a boat.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘d’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘d.’” Have children repeat the /d/ words.

Word Play: Guess My Word (/d/)

Give hints for children to guess the words that begin with the /d/ sound.

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Dd”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Dd.”

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #6

Sing the greeting song. Name one child and let him or her choose the next until all children have had a turn.

Talk Together: Dams

Talk about dams and what happens when they put things in water to block its flow.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Building Dams

Take children outdoors again to continue exploring the flow of water, this time to make dams.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Building Dams” (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Building Dams.” Relate children’s experiences with dams to the video.

Let's Read

Read Together: Row, Row, Row Your Boat #2

Reread the book. Point out the beavers building a dam.

Recite Together: “Busy Beaver”

Recite the poem “Busy Beaver” and invite children to act it out.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Word Play: Blending Sounds

Say the parts of some words slowly and have children put the word parts together.

Word Play: Rhyming Game #4

Say two rhyming words and have children think of another word that rhymes with the pair of words.

Learn About Letters Together: Writing (“Rr”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Rr.”

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #7

Sing the greeting song and hold up name cards. Have those children say their names and clap the word parts. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: New Water Tools

Show children clear plastic tubing. Have them predict what might happen as water is poured through the tube.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Water Tools: Introduce Tubing

Have children continue to explore moving water. Add plastic tubing to the set of materials that children can use to move water.  

Let's Read

Read Together: Toy Boat #2

Reread Toy Boat. Help children visualize the action of the story

Recite Together: “A Sailor Went to Sea”

Explain the difference between sea and see. Recite the chant and have children clap hands on each beat.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Boat Characters

Have each child choose a boat character in Toy Boat and continue the story.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Beginning Sound (/d/)

Play the listening game to help children recognize the /d/ sound at the beginning of words.

Word Play: Segment Sentences #6

 Have children clap words in a sentence.

Learn About Letters Together: Writing (“Dd”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Dd.”

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #8

Have children decide which way they want to sing the song.

Talk Together: Using Tools to Move Water

Discuss with children what tools they might combine to transfer water.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): From Here to There

Group children into teams to figure out ways to move water from one tool to another.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “River Story” (BTL show) #2

Replay the video Between the Lions “River Story.” Talk with children about where the river’s journey ends.

Let's Read

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 2

Read a story or concept book about water. Make connections between the book and children’s own explorations with water.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Ending Sound (/r/)

Play this listening game to help children recognize the /r/ sound at the end of words.

Word Play: Writing Words

Help children practice writing the word dam.  

Letter About Letters Together: Word Hunt (dam, river)

Have children look for the letters “Dd” and “Rr” and the words dam and river in the classroom.


Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 2

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review pools, waterways, and dams, “Dd,” “Rr,” /d/, /r/, dam, and river.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 2, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

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