Week 1: Flowing Water

Daily Routines

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #6

Sing the greeting song. Point to four different names and have those children say their names. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Introduce Water

Discuss water with children. Ask them what they know about water, and what happens as water is poured.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Explore Water on Surfaces

Have children explore how water behaves on different surfaces outside.  

Small Group: No Shape of Its Own

Explore the idea that liquids do not have their own shape, but take the shape of their containers.

Let's Read

Read Together: I Get Wet #1

Read about experiments with water. Focus children on the different shapes water takes in the book.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Ww”) and Word (water)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Ww” and the word water.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/w/)

Use the Tell Me What You Hear Routine to help children listen for the /w/ sound at the beginning of familiar words.

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ww”) #2

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children being to “write” the letter “Ww.”

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 1, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #7

Sing the greeting song. Point to four different name cards and have those children say their names. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: More About Water

Invite children to share more about what they have been observing and learning about water.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Water Rivers

Make water rivers and streams of flowing water in the dirt and on other surfaces outside.

Small Group: Measure the Flow

Have children measure how far the water flowed with nonstandard measuring tools.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Make a Graph #2

Make a graph of children’s results from the measuring activity.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Making Rivers” #1 (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Making Rivers.” Have children compare their water rivers activity to the children’s in the video.

Let's Read

Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #1

Review how all living things need water and then read the book with children.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/w/)

Review the /w/ sound at the beginning of words with children.

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Ww”)

Give each child a copy of the word water to trace the “W.”  

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #8

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have that child choose another name card. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Flowing Downhill

Remind children of their ramp explorations. Have children predict what will happen when they pour water down a ramp.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Changing Water Flow

Have children observe how water changes directions and slows down or speeds up as it flows down a hill.

Small Group: Change the Flow

Collect materials outside with children to experiment how to change the direction of water flow.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “River Story” (BTL show) #1

Play the Between the Lions video “River Story.” Focus children on the different ways the river moves. 

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: “The River”

Read the poem “The River.” Have children draw a picture of how they imagined the river flowed down the mountain.   

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Word Play: Guess My Word (/w/)

Give children clues to guess the words that start with the /w/ sound.   

Watch Together: “Word Morph: walnut–wave–wave” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions videoWord Morph: walnut-wave-wave.” Have children listen for the /w/ sounds.

Learn About Letters Together: Writing (“Ww”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Ww.”

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #4

Hold up three name cards and sing the greeting song to those three children. Repeat until everyone is included.

Talk Together: Make It Move

Discuss how to make water move with various materials. 

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Pour & Squirt

Set up three stations at the water table to allow groups to explore different ways of moving water.    

Let's Read

Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #2

Reread the book and have children look for the different objects people use to make water move.

Recite Together: “Ten Little Water Drops”

Recite the poem with gestures. Invite children to make up new gestures to show how the water drops moved.

Play Together: Over, Under, Around, and Through

Play the game to build children’s vocabulary to discuss moving water.  

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/w/)

Children take turns picking up an object, naming it, and saying whether it begins with the /w/ sound and belongs in the /w/ bag or not.

Word Play: Alliteration (/w/) #2

Have children generate alliterative sentences with the /w/ sound. Use the example We wonder why worms wiggle.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #5

Hold up three name cards and have those children recognize and say their names. Repeat until every child has been recognized.

Talk Together: Squirt and Pump

Introduce a pump and baster and demonstrate how to use them to move water.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Pour, Squirt, & Pump

Divide children into four groups to explore moving water with their hands, plastic cups, funnels, basters, and water pumps.

Let's Read

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 1

Choose a book about water to read to children. Ask them to identify how water moves and changes direction in the story.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Water Poetry

Help children write or dictate a poem about water using the template provided.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Letter (“Ww”) and Word (water) Hunt

Have children hunt for the hidden letters “w,” “a,” “t,”  “e,” and “r” in the room. Make the word water once all the letters are found.

Watch Together: “Wow” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Wow.” Have children think of other words that begin with the /w/ sound.

Word Play: Segment Sentences #7

Help children practice segmenting words in a sentence. Count the number of words in each sentence.    


Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 1

Revisit the charts, tools, and children’s pictures from the week. Review “Ww,” the letter sound /w/, and the word water.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 9, Week 1, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

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