Week 3: Still Growing

Daily Routines

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #13

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have that child sprout like a seed. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Parts of Plants

Review parts of plants by observing the children’s growing plants.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Plant Parts

Take children outdoors to observe plant parts and draw their observations in their science notebooks.

Small Group: Similarities and Differences

Discuss that all living things have similarities and differences, comparing two plants and two children.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Help!” #1 (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Help!” and have children focus on what the little red hen does with the grains.

Sing Together: “This Is the Way I Plant the Grains”

Sing the song to recall the sequence of events in the little red hen story. Act out each verse.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Kk”) and Word (kitchen)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Kk” and the word kitchen.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 7, Week 3, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #14

Invite a child to choose a name card. Have the child whose name card was chosen to “grow” out of his or her spot. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Plant Helpers

Explain the difference between growing plants in pots and plants growing in their natural environments.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Our Growing Seeds and Bulbs

Have children observe their growing plants. Instruct them to use their science notebooks to draw their plants.

Small Group: Plant Leaves

Have children observe and compare the leaves of their bean, grass, and onion bulb plants.

Let's Read

Read Together: The Little Red Hen #1

Read the book and compare it to the story of the little red hen in the video Between the Lions “Help.”

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Dear Friends

Have children draw, dictate, or write a letter to a family member about something they liked in the story The Little Red Hen.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Kk”)

Use the Letter in Our Names Routine to help children find the letter “Kk” in their names.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/k/)

Recite the poem and have children listen for words that begin with the /k/ sound. 

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Fred Says: kazoo” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Fred Says: kazoo.” Have children listen for /k/ sound and look for the letter “k.”

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song “Where Is?” #15

Hold up two name cards. Have those children stand slowly, as if growing, and complete the song. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Measuring

Challenge children to think of ways they can use materials to measure their plants.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): More Measuring Plants

Have children measure the plants and compare their results to the measurements they took in earlier weeks.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Help!” #2 (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Help!” again. Compare how the hen grows her wheat to how the children planted their seeds.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Make a Graph #1

Have children add to the graphs that show how their plants grow over time.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘k’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘k’.” Have children listen for /k/ words.

Word Play: Alliteration (/k/)

Repeat the sentence “Kevin keeps kiwis in the kitchen” with the children. Stress the /k/ sound. 

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #16

Pick one or two name cards to complete the song. Guide children to use the singular or plural response.

Talk Together: Comparing Plants

Have children compare different plants and flowers by using their senses.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Indoor and Outdoor Plants

Have children make connections between the indoor and outdoor plants and continue to compare the parts of plants.  

Let's Read

Read Together: The Little Red Hen #2

Reread The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone. Compare what the hen does to help her wheat grow to what the children do to help their plants grow.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: My Garden

Have children draw a garden. Have them write or dictate what their plants need.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Watch Together: “Word Morph: kiwi–kids–kitten–kite” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Word Morph: kiwi-kids-kitten-kite” and talk about the 'k' words.

Learn About Letters Together: Decorate Letter “Kk”

Have children decorate an outline of the uppercase letter “K.” Name objects that begin with “K.”

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 7, Week 3, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #17

Give each child a plant name and sing the song. Call out the plant names to signal children to grow like a plant and stand up.

Talk Together: Space to Grow

Discuss how plants need a larger area to grow in as they get bigger.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (outdoors): Keep on Growing!

Help children repot their plants in a larger container or an outside garden.

Let's Read

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 7, Week 3

Choose a book about plants to read. Have children identify the plants in the book and name the parts of the plants.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: My Kitchen

Explain how spices come from plants. Have children draw, write, or dictate a window box with plants they would want in their kitchen window.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Letter Hunt

Have children find two letters and name a word that begins with each letter.

Word Play: Clap the Last Sound (/n/)

Instruct children to clap when they hear a word that ends with the /n/ sound.


Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review plant parts, measuring plants, and indoor/outdoor plants, “Kk,” /k/, and kitchen.

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