Week 3: Building to Size

Daily Routines

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Sing, Sing, Sing with Me” #6

Sing the greeting song and signal a child to say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Measuring Tools

Open a discussion about measuring tools and how you measure things to tell their size.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Measuring to Build

Measure the length of the Block Center using a child’s length.

Small Group: “Kid Rulers”

Have children work in pairs to make “kid rulers.” Have them use their tools to measure big things.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “My House” #1 (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “My house.” Point out the names of different kinds of houses.

Let's Read

Read Together: Tell the Truth, B. B. Wolf #1

Read another story about the three little pigs. Explain that this book tells the big bad wolf’s side to the story.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Write a Rhyme

Have children dictate or write a rhyme about houses and draw pictures to illustrate their rhyme.    

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Xx”) and Word (x-ray)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Xx” and the word x-ray.

Learn About Letters Together: Cross Your Fingers

Challenge children to cross their fingers to make two X’s.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 6, Week 3, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Sing, Sing, Sing with Me” #7

Hold up a name card and have that child say his or her name. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Talk Together: Building to Fit

Discuss how things are built to size. Use toys as examples.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Build a House for a Toy

Have children make houses for toys. Focus them on the size of the house so the toys fit inside.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “My House” #2 (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “My House.” Talk about the houses’ different sizes.

Let's Read

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #1

Comment on the different tools used to construct the letters of the alphabet in the story.

Sing Together: “The ABC Song” #2

Sing the song and remind children that the letters are in the same order as the letters in Alphabet Under Construction

Play Together: Musical Alphabet Chairs

Stop the music to signal children to sit on a chair. Ask each child to identify the letter on his or her chair.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Construct the Letter “X”

Construct the letter “X” using pieces of posterboard and fasteners.

Watch Together: “Reginald Monkey: x, x-ray, xylophone” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Reginald Monkey: x, x-ray, xylophone.” Review the different /x/ letter sounds.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘x’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘x.’” Have children say the words with the letter ‘x’ as they appear on the screen.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 6, Week 3, #2

Have children review with family members what they learned about building to size.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Sing, Sing, Sing with Me” #8

Clap the syllables in a child’s name. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Talk Together: Structures to Build

Take children outside to choose a structure they would like to build a representation of.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Representation

Have children build a representation of the building they saw.

Let's Read

Read Together: Tell the Truth, B. B. Wolf #2

Reread the story and have children identify the tools in the book.

Sing Together: “I’m Feeling Sorry”

Have children recall the story Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf and sing the song about the wolf and the three pigs.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Letter to the Big Bad Wolf

Have children write, draw, or dictate a letter to the big bad wolf.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Watch Together: “Fred Says: fix, six” (BLT clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Fred Says: fix/six.” Emphasize the ending sound in fix and six.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Last Sound You Hear (/ks/)

Help children recognize the /ks/ sound of the letter “Xx” at the end of words.

Word Play: Fish for x-r-a-y

Invite children to fish for and arrange letters to spell x-ray.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #8

Sing the greeting song. Hold up a name card and have that child say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Bridges

Open a discussion about bridges and what makes bridges strong.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Bridge

Have children work in pairs to build their bridges.  

Let's Read

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #2

Reread the book and have children create their own alphabet charts with letters they cut from magazines.

Play Together: “X” Marks the Spot

Have children play the letter card game to get to the “X” spot.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Sing Together: “A-Hunting We Will Go”

Sing the song. Emphasize the /ks/ sound at the end of box and fox.

Word Play: Segment Sentences #5

Make sentence strips and count the number of words in the sentence.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter “X” Crossover

Have children march along a large uppercase and lowercase “Xx” on the floor.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #9

Clap the syllables in a child’s name and insert that name into the song. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Building to Size and Purpose

Have children share a structure they built. Discuss their buildings’ different sizes and purposes.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Build with Different Materials

Challenge children to recreate their houses, bridges, and 3-D representations using different materials.

Sing Together: “I’ve Been Working on My Straw House” #2

Encourage children to act out building and huffing-and-puffing as they sing the song.

Watch Together: “Huff and Puff” (BTL show) #4

Watch the Bonus Track: “The Wolfinator: A Sequel.” Compare this sequel to the sequel Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Compare Versions of The Three Little Pigs

Create a “Same/Different” Chart to compare the versions of the three little pigs’ story.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Watch Together: “Word Morph: six–sax–fax–fox–box” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Word Morph: six-sax-fax-fox-box.” Clarify any words children do not know.

Word Play: Matching Game

Have children match cards that have the same word on them.

Learn About Letters Together: ABC Hunt and Build

Have children find the hidden letters and build the alphabet in the correct order.


Review the Week Together: Unit 6, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review measuring tools, size, and bridges, “Xx,” /x/, /ks/, and x-ray.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 6, Week 3 #4

Send structures home that children worked on this week.

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