
Found 231 results. Showing 9 of 12 pages.

Recite Together: “A Kite” #1

Recite a poem about a kite and the color blue.

Recite Together: “A Kite” #2

Recite a poem about kites and change the color of the kite in each reading.

Recite Together: “Three Little Mice” (finger play)

Teach children a finger play chant introducing the terms mouse, mice, and three.

Review the Week Together: Unit 2, Week 1

Review colors, shades of color, the letter “Yy,” and the word yellow.

Review the Week Together: Unit 2, Week 2

Review colors and mixing shades of a color, the letter “Yy,” and the word yellow.

Review the Week Together: Unit 2, Week 3

Review mixing colors and looking at colors through colored transparent plastic and the letter "Pp."

Review the Week Together: Unit 2, Week 4

Have children discuss different things they observed and learned about color this week.

Road Signs

Have children build roads using blocks and display toy street signs to talk about how colors can communicate messages.

Role Play “It’s Red! It’s Green!”

Invite children to act out the African folktale featured in the video Between the Lions “It’s Red! It’s Green!”

Sing Together: “Farmer Wore a Blue Hat”

Sing a song about a farmer and his blue hat.

Sing Together: “I Like Yellow”

Have children take turns singing about their favorite color.

Sing Together: “If You’re Wearing”

Sing a song about the different colors children are wearing.

Sing Together: “Mice Mix Colors” #1

Sing a song while referring to the color-mixing chart to help children review mixing two colors.

Sing Together: “Mice Mix Colors” #2

Invite children to sing and act out the words to a song about mixing colors.

Sing Together: “Rainbow Song”

Sing a song about the rainbow, allowing children to play the part of one of the colors.

Sing Together: “Red Hat, Green Hat”

Sing and act out a song about a hat of two colors.

Sing Together: “Traffic Light”

Sing a song about traffic lights focusing on the different colors and their meanings.

Small Group: Color Categories

Have children sort and group shades of color.

Spicy Hot Colors #3 (BTL show)

Have children repeat the color words they see in the video Between the Lions "Spicy Hot Colors."

Sponge Painting

Have children dip sponges in paint and press them onto paper to create sponge paintings.

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