
Found 1793 results. Showing 68 of 90 pages.

Talk and Go

Prepare for new experiences by talking about what is going to happen. Afterwards, talk about what you saw, heard, and did.

Talk It Up

What does your baby respond to? Talk about his favorite toy or whatever grabs her attention.

Talk Together: All About Color

Discuss and review the children’s exploration of color over the past week.

Talk Together: All Kinds of Families

Discuss animal families with children.

Talk Together: At the Library

Talk about the different books and items you can find at the library.

Talk Together: Bridges

Open a discussion about bridges and what makes bridges strong.

Talk Together: Building High

Introduce the idea of building higher. Have children reflect on how they can make their structures higher.

Talk Together: Building Higher, Building Stronger

Discuss the photos you took of children building towers. Have children work together to strategize new ways to make their structures stronger and higher.

Talk Together: Building Materials

Open a discussion about building materials and compare their different properties.

Talk Together: Building Ramps

Review with children their experiences building ramps and rolling and sliding objects down the ramps.

Talk Together: Building Strong

Revisit building strong structures. Discuss children’s building and how they made them stronger.

Talk Together: Building to Fit

Discuss how things are built to size. Use toys as examples.

Talk Together: Building to Size and Purpose

Have children share a structure they built. Discuss their buildings’ different sizes and purposes.

Talk Together: Building Trackways

Talk with children about their experiences building ramps and trackways and rolling a ball so it travels the entire distance of the track.

Talk Together: Bulbs

Introduce bulbs. Explore an onion bulb and an onion.

Talk Together: Changing Our Voices

Discuss how everyone's voice has a different sound. Have children record their names and listen to the voice differences.

Talk Together: Color and Light

Discuss colors and the idea that light changes the appearance of a color. 

Talk Together: Color Balloons

Introduce and talk about the color brown.

Talk Together: Color Detective (green)

Introduce the color green and have children find green objects around the room.

Talk Together: Color Detective (red)

Introduce the color red and shades of red as you have children find red objects.

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