
Found 1793 results. Showing 67 of 90 pages.

Small Group: Water Drop Races

Have children use eyedroppers to squirt and drip water drops on a smooth, vertical surface and compare how the drops flow.

Small Group: Whose Voice Is It?

Play back recordings of children’s voices and have them identify who is speaking by listening to the sound of the voice.

Small Groups: Plant Measurements

Help children measure the parts of a plant using a measuring object. Have them draw each plant part.

Songs for Routines and Transitions

Play or sing simple songs during daily routines or transition times. Babies will begin to recognize the songs and connect them to specific routines or transitions.

Sort by Volume (Loud/Medium/Quiet)

Create a chart with three volume levels. Hold up a picture, ask someone to make the sound of it, and decide where to place that picture.

Sort It Out

Sorting by color, size, texture, or any other category helps your toddler learn how things are alike or different.

Sort Loud and Quiet Animal Sounds

Have children work together to sort toy animals or pictures of animals into those that make loud sounds and those that make soft sounds.

Sort Loud, Medium, and Quiet

Place pictures on a table. Have children sort the sounds the things in the pictures make into loud, medium, and quiet sounds.

Sorting Instruments

Have children organize pictures of musical instruments by the method of how an instrument is played.

Sorting Plant Objects

Have children sort objects they collected outdoors into different categories, such as color, texture, size, and shape. Encourage children to describe similarities and differences.

Sound Box

Explore and create sounds with your child while using everyday objects.

Sound Detective Agency

Have children shake containers that contain different objects that make different sounds.  Have them listen carefully and find a matching container with the same sound.


Have children use materials to make sound-makers and record their observations.

Sound Riddles

Have children draw something from the week’s reading that makes sound. Using a template, help them complete riddles describing the sound the object makes.

“Sounds Like Fun” (PEEP game) #1

Demonstrate how to play the PEEP online game “Sounds like Fun.” Show children how to click on the animals to hear the sounds they make.

“Sounds Like Fun” (PEEP game) #2

Demonstrate how to play the PEEP online game “Sounds like Fun.” Show children how to click on the animals to hear the sounds they make.

“Sounds Like Fun” (PEEP game) #3

Demonstrate how to play the PEEP online game “Sounds like Fun.” Show children how to click on the animals to hear the sounds they make.

Spicy Hot Colors #3 (BTL show)

Have children repeat the color words they see in the video Between the Lions "Spicy Hot Colors."

Sponge Painting

Have children dip sponges in paint and press them onto paper to create sponge paintings.

String Pictures

Have children make string paintings that show the movement of water.

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