
Found 1803 results. Showing 75 of 91 pages.

Talk Together: Seeds, Seeds, Seeds #1

Review the farm visit. Reinforce that a seed will grow into the parent plant it came from.

Talk Together: Seeds, Seeds, Seeds #2

Have children describe a fruit or vegetable they have eaten. Review that fruits have different types of and numbers of seeds.

Talk Together: Seeds Travel

Review the different ways seeds travel. Demonstrate with a dandelion seed and a pea.

Talk Together: Simple Machines

Display pictures of ramps making work easier for someone. Discuss how ramps are simple machines.

Talk Together: Sink It!

Continue the conversation about floating and sinking. Discuss what will happen if they fill an empty container with pebbles or water.

Talk Together: Skin Colors

Have children choose a magazine picture and talk about different skin colors.

Talk Together: Sliding Experiences

Talk with children about their experiences going down slides and other inclined planes. Encourage them to talk about how they felt.

Talk Together: Sound and Music

Display the rubber band guitars and tubes from the Discovery Time activities during the week. Review with children what they observed during their explorations.

Talk Together: Sound Explorers

Revisit the book What Is a Scientist? By Barbara Lehn. Help children make connections between their explorations of sound and the skills described in the book.

Talk Together: Sound Scientists

Revisit the book What Is a Scientist? and have children compare their explorations to the descriptions in the book.

Talk Together: Sounds Around Us

Talk about the different sounds children hear inside and outside the room. Encourage children compare the sounds they hear.

Talk Together: Sounds We Hear

Ask children to think about sounds they heard on the way home or at home last night. 

Talk Together: Space to Grow

Discuss how plants need a larger area to grow in as they get bigger.

Talk Together: Sprouting Seeds

Have children describe plants around his or her home. Then examine a plant from last week’s exploration that has sprouted.

Talk Together: Squirt and Pump

Introduce a pump and baster and demonstrate how to use them to move water.

Talk Together: Stand High, Crouch Low

Have children stand high or crouch low as the identify high and low pitch sounds.

Talk Together: Steep Stories

Talk with children about their experiences with varying the steepness of any ramps. Discuss how things move faster on steeper inclines.

Talk Together: Structures to Build

Take children outside to choose a structure they would like to build a representation of.

Talk Together: Talk About Explorations

Discuss new ways for children to build their obstacle courses based on their experiences and observations.

Talk Together: Talk About Sound

Introduce “loud” and “quiet” as children listen for sounds and discuss the source of each sound.

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