
Found 1803 results. Showing 73 of 91 pages.

Talk Together: Move Down the Ramp

Ask children to share ramps they discovered on their way home. Have them dictate or write to record ideas on the "All About Ramps" chart.

Talk Together: Move to Music

Talk about some of the music the children have been listening to together. Play some music and invite children to move to the music.

Talk Together: Music Day #1

Review with children what music is, and all the ways they’ve learned to make music. Have children prepare for a music performance.

Talk Together: Music Day #2

Remind children that today is Music Day. Discuss the music each group will play. Have children discuss how they will put together the performance.

Talk Together: Musical Instruments

Have children listen to music and name instruments they hear.

Talk Together: My Family

Discuss the meaning of family with children, then talk with them about their own families.

Talk Together: New Water Tools

Show children clear plastic tubing. Have them predict what might happen as water is poured through the tube.

Talk Together: Nighttime Sounds

Darken the room and have children imagine it is nighttime and talk about the nighttime sounds they hear.

Talk Together: Observe Underground Changes

Revisit the worm habitat and discuss the changes that have taken place.

Talk Together: Obstacles

Discuss obstacles children explored as they rolled objects down their trackways.

Talk Together: Our Colors

Talk about primary colors and mixing primary colors to make new colors.

Talk Together: Outdoor Seeds

Discuss seeds children brought in from home and have them predict how the seeds travel.  

Talk Together: Parts of Plants

Review parts of plants by observing the children’s growing plants.

Talk Together: Parts We Eat

Talk about how animals, including humans, eat plant parts and plants that grow in many different places.

Talk Together: Plant Helpers

Explain the difference between growing plants in pots and plants growing in their natural environments.

Talk Together: Plant Parts Animals Eat

Discuss the parts of plants that animals and humans eat. 

Talk Together: Plant Review

Review what children learned about plants. Have children share a page in their science notebooks.

Talk Together: Plants and Roots

Continue to discuss plants, including trees and roots.

Talk Together: Plants As Food

Talk about how food is a basic need, and how people often choose foods that taste good to fill that need.  

Talk Together: Plants Review

Review the activities children did this week. Have each child tell one thing he or she learned about plants.

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