Let’s Pretend


Let’s Pretend

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.

Playing pretend games with your toddler can provide many opportunities for her to practice the words she knows. Every day she hears you describe what’s happening during the routines of meals, baths, getting dressed, and getting ready for bed.

Now she can use those words to talk about what you’re doing together as you and she dress a doll, cook and eat a pretend meal, or tuck a stuffed animal into bed.

  • Help her use words as she plays, and encourage her to describe what she’s doing.
  • Repeat what she says so that she knows you understand her, but use her words in complete sentences.

She may also be ready and want to reenact special experiences, like a visit to the doctor or a trip to a farm. Follow her lead and help her put her play into words.

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