Sound Hunt

  • cell phone (optional)

Sound Hunt

© 2013 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved.

Go on a sound hunt and introduce your child to different living sounds and human-made sounds. Explore how sounds are different, how sound is made, and how sound travels.

Turn a routine walk to the bus stop or to the park into a sound hunt.

  • Walk quietly and listen for different sounds such as lawn mowers, birds, raindrops, and sirens.
  • Notice how the sounds change as you walk down a different street or into a busier neighborhood.
  • When you hear a new sound talk about it. Encourage your child to talk about what made the sound and identify where it is coming from. If you have time to investigate, follow one of the sounds to its source.
  • Play a game by taking turns imitating a sound you hear and guessing its source.
  • If you have a smartphone, record interesting sounds you hear so you can listen to the sounds together at another time.

Media Connection: Together watch the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “ Sounds Like . . . .” Follow Peep and his friends as they find their way home by listening to sounds.

PBS Learning Media
©2004, 2013 WGBH Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
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