- magazines
- newspapers and other reading materials with pictures of things that make sound
- pairs of scissors
- index cards
- sound
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.5: Create representations of experiences or stories (e.g., drawings, constructions with blocks or other materials, clay models) and explain them to others.
MA Draft STE Standards:
PS4.A: Investigate different sounds made by different objects and different materials and reason about what is making the sounds. [Cause and Effect]
Head Start Outcomes:
Logic and Reasoning/Symbolic Representation: Represents people, places, or things through drawings, movement, and three-dimensional objects.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Composition 16: Use their own words or illustrations to describe their experiences, tell imaginative stories, or communicate information about a topic of interest.
Listening Walk
Skill Focus: Creative Expression, Fine Motor Skills, Identify Sounds, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Invite children to build their own “Listening Walk.”
- First, discuss different sources of sound, such as a car, baby, train, bell, dog, bee, etc.
- Then have children make sound cards by cutting out magazine pictures of things that make sounds and gluing the pictures onto index cards.
- Next, have children create a pathway with blocks. Ask children to place their cards along the path.
As children walk along the path, ask them to look at the pictures and make the sound each object makes.