More . . . More . . . Too Many

  • bin (plastic)
  • toys

More . . . More . . . Too Many

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care. All rights reserved.

Research shows that having a strong sense of numbers at an early age is the foundation for math learning in later years. One way babies develop number sense occurs when they try to hold more than two things—or more things than they have hands. Be sure to use math language such as more, numbers, next, or in as you try out these activities.

  • Give a baby a toy to hold. Then hand her another and say, Here’s one more or Now you have two animals!
  • Hand her a third toy and watch how she solves the problem. Does she put one toy down to take the new one? Or try to grab it with one or both full hands? If she looks frustrated, ask her to hand you one of her toys and then give her the new one.
  • If the problem is easy for her, try handing her a fourth toy.

You can extend the game by giving the baby a bin so she can drop in her extra toys. Show her how to put toys in and take them out again.

  • Count the toys as she drops them in and takes them out.
  • Make comments as you play such as You have two toys, one in each hand. Do you want more? Here’s one more.
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