One-on-One Reading: Who Sank the Boat?

  • Who Sank the Boat? (book)
  • boat
  • float
  • sink
  • weight

MA Standards:

Literature/RL.PK.MA.6: With prompting and support, “read” the illustrations in a picture book by describing a character or place depicted, or by telling how a sequence of events unfolds.

Head Start Outcomes:

Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation and Knowledge: Shows interest in shared reading experiences and looking at books independently.
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation and Knowledge: Asks and answers questions and makes comments about print materials.

PreK Learning Guidelines:

English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 6: Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 10: Engage actively in read-aloud activities by asking questions, offering ideas, predicting or retelling important parts of a story or informational book.

One-on-One Reading: Who Sank the Boat?

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.

Skill Focus: Book Appreciation, Compare and Contrast, Concepts of Print, Story Comprehension, Story Structure, Vocabulary

Read aloud Who Sank the Boat by Pamela Allen to individuals or small groups.

As you read, talk about all the big, heavy animals that get into the small boat and as it keeps floating on the water. When you get to the spread where the mouse is jumping into the boat, say, Look at all the big, heavy animals in the boat. Look at the tiny, little mouse jumping into the boat. Isn’t it funny that the smallest animal made the boat sink?

Review how the little mouse added too much weight to the boat even though it was a tiny mouse. Encourage children to read as many words as possible with you. Then, invite children to use the illustrations to help them “read” the pages to you.

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