Learn About Letters Together: Cross Your Fingers

  • letter card “Xx”

MA Standards:

English Language Arts/Language/L.PK.MA.5 With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances of word meanings.

Head Start Outcomes:

Literacy Knowledge/Alphabet Knowledge Recognizes that the letters of the alphabet are a special category of visual graphics that can be individually named.

PreK Learning Guidelines:

English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 7 Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.

Learn About Letters Together: Cross Your Fingers

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.

ELA Focus Skills: Follow Directions, Fine Motor Skills, Letter Formation, Letter Recognition

Say, Some people cross their fingers to show they hope for good luck. For example, someone may plan a picnic and hope it won’t rain. The person says to a friend, “Cross your fingers that it doesn’t rain!” Have you ever heard or seen anyone do that?

Allow time for discussion; then show children how to cross their middle finger over their first finger to make the sign for good luck. Challenge children to cross their pinky and ring fingers as well to make two “X”s, or have them raise their arms and cross one over the other to make an “X.”

Adaptation: If very young children have trouble crossing their fingers, help them by physically crossing one finger over the other.

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